When does the season start and finish?

The first junior game of the season is the first weekend in May. The last game is schedule for the last weekend of August.

There is a 2 week break during school holidays.  Rugby is scheduled on the first weekend of the school holidays then no rugby is played on the last two weekends.

In the lead-up to the season start there are a number of registration events and other fun events.

Click here for more information on key dates.

When does the season start and finish?

The first junior game of the season is the first weekend in May. The last game is schedule for the last weekend of August.

There is a 2 week break during school holidays.  Rugby is scheduled on the first weekend of the school holidays then no rugby is played on the last two weekends.

In the lead-up to the season start there are a number of registration events and other fun events.

Click here for more information on key dates.

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