
RipRugby is a very safe, non-contact, easy-to-play game for both boys and girls alike. Best of all it's fun and exciting for all involved.

While the rules are simple and the game easy to learn, RipRugby will promote excellent ball-handling and running skills and give all kids a chance to participate in our national game.

The object of the game is to score a try by grounding the ball behind or on the opponents' try line.

To prevent a try being scored the defenders must rip the flag from the belt of the ball carrier. This forces the ball carrier to pass the ball. Six rips against the attacking team in one set of possession results in the ball being turned over to the defending team. Click here for more information on the game.

MSP offer teams in the following non-impact RipRugby grades:
  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3/4*
  • Year 5/6*
  • Year 7/8*
*Note: The Y3/4, Y5/6 and Y7/8 grades are dependent on there being enough registrations in that grade to form a team. We will seek opportunities to combine with other City Zone clubs should there not be enough numbers to form an independent MSP team.


Year 1 and 2 RipRugby games are held on either a Friday evening or Saturday morning. The Y3/4, Y5/6 and Y7/8 grades are held on Friday evenings. Wellington Rugby post the draw on their website.


Games are held in the Wellington region at a number of locations. Click here for a full list of field locations.


Practice sessions are held at the MSP gym which is located at Evans Bay Park (next to St Pats College). The gym is available to the junior club between 5-6pm. Your coach will agree the training night and timing with the team in advance of the season. Practice is a fun event for the players where they are able to develop their friendships as well as their skills. We encourage team members to share rides for practice where possible. Click here for maps.

Subscription Fees

Click here for information on the subscription fees and registration process.


RipRugby is a very safe, non-contact, easy-to-play game for both boys and girls alike. Best of all it's fun and exciting for all involved.

While the rules are simple and the game easy to learn, RipRugby will promote excellent ball-handling and running skills and give all kids a chance to participate in our national game.

The object of the game is to score a try by grounding the ball behind or on the opponents' try line.

To prevent a try being scored the defenders must rip the flag from the belt of the ball carrier. This forces the ball carrier to pass the ball. Six rips against the attacking team in one set of possession results in the ball being turned over to the defending team. Click here for more information on the game.

MSP offer teams in the following non-impact RipRugby grades:
  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3/4*
  • Year 5/6*
  • Year 7/8*
*Note: The Y3/4, Y5/6 and Y7/8 grades are dependent on there being enough registrations in that grade to form a team. We will seek opportunities to combine with other City Zone clubs should there not be enough numbers to form an independent MSP team.


Year 1 and 2 RipRugby games are held on either a Friday evening or Saturday morning. The Y3/4, Y5/6 and Y7/8 grades are held on Friday evenings. Wellington Rugby post the draw on their website.


Games are held in the Wellington region at a number of locations. Click here for a full list of field locations.


Practice sessions are held at the MSP gym which is located at Evans Bay Park (next to St Pats College). The gym is available to the junior club between 5-6pm. Your coach will agree the training night and timing with the team in advance of the season. Practice is a fun event for the players where they are able to develop their friendships as well as their skills. We encourage team members to share rides for practice where possible. Click here for maps.

Subscription Fees

Click here for information on the subscription fees and registration process.

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