Returning Players

Thank you for choosing to return to the MSP Junior Club!

As a returning player you should have already received an email with a link to an online registration form. If you have not received this email, please check your email spam or junk folders, and then contact to request a new email is sent.

Once you have received your email simply click on the link and follow the instructions.

You will be required to:

  1. Check the details you submitted last year and update for any changes, e.g. change of address, indicative weight, mobile number, school, etc. (if date of birth is incorrect you will need to let us know)
  2. Make online payment

If you have any issues or questions you would like to ask before you join please contact the Junior Rugby convenor at

Returning Players

Thank you for choosing to return to the MSP Junior Club!

As a returning player you should have already received an email with a link to an online registration form. If you have not received this email, please check your email spam or junk folders, and then contact to request a new email is sent.

Once you have received your email simply click on the link and follow the instructions.

You will be required to:

  1. Check the details you submitted last year and update for any changes, e.g. change of address, indicative weight, mobile number, school, etc. (if date of birth is incorrect you will need to let us know)
  2. Make online payment

If you have any issues or questions you would like to ask before you join please contact the Junior Rugby convenor at

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