Credit Card payments now accepted for club memberships and donations

There are many tasks to complete to get the season back up and running with only a small number of volunteers managing the load. If you can volunteer your time, please contact us and would gratefully find something for you to help with.

Financially, Marist St Pats relies on sponsorship, grant funding and members subscriptions in order to provide our community with the facilities to train, play and congregate as a club.

With grant funding heavily reduced, this has impacted a key source of funding for the club. Many of our seasons expenses come at the start of the year including preseason training, new gear and maintenance.

If you are in a position to support Marist St Pats as a financial member or with a donation, this will help ensure we can provide the same facilities and support to our community in years to come. We've now made it easier for anyone around the world to contribute as a member by accepting card payments.

Become a member or donate by Credit Card

Membership 2020

Subscription rates for 2020 are:

Standard $40
Couple $50
Out of towner/student/senior citizen $25


Platinum $250+

Gold $100

Silver $50

Alternative payment options

You can pay your sub and make a donation by:

  • Internet banking: The club's bank account no. is ANZ 01 - 0505 - 0298113 - 00. Please include your name with the payment. If you've changed your postal address in the past year, please email it to so we can send out your membership card.

  • Cheque: Post a cheque to Marist St Pats, PO Box 3472, Wellington 6140. Please include your name and address so we can post out your membership card.
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