Facelift for the clubrooms

There has been a lot of activity at the clubrooms over the summer as we prepare for the upcoming season.

Club members will notice the considerable work that has been completed on the bar facilities, including the decommissioning of the chiller room. This piece of work will reduce the considerable maintenance and running costs for the clubrooms. To keep refreshments cold and plentiful, Alan Woods has helped us acquire two large fridges. All the usual favourites will be on hand for members to enjoy while debriefing the action on the field.

Michael Sood has been hard at work painting the trophy cabinet and the former Kids Club room. This room has been painted and recarpeted to create 'The Broad Room' which will serve as space to present club memorabilia for the 50th celebrations. Thanks to Reuben Ouwerkerk for donating his time to lay the carpet.

On the exterior, the balcony and surrounding areas have had some attention to keep the space in tip top shape.

Special thanks to Soody, Alan, Reuben, Dave Woods, Paul 'Onions' Stevens, Chris Ryan, Steve McGill and all who contributed to the club Working Bee in February.

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