Become a financial member of Marist St Pats

Financially, Marist St Pats relies on sponsorship and members subscriptions in order to provide our community with the facilities to train, play and congregate as a club.

If you are in a position to support Marist St Pats as a financial member or with a donation, this will help ensure we can provide the same facilities and support to our community in years to come.

In 2022 we have two membership options:

Marist St Pats 500 Club Membership 2022

Marist St Pats is inviting members to join the 'Marist St Pats 500 Club' in 2022. After launching in 2021, this membership option gives another option for supporters to contribute to the running of our club with some added benefits, including entry to the monthly $500 cash draw.

Marist St Pats 500 Club benefits

For $20 per month (or a one off payment of $240) '500 Club' members will enjoy these benefits:

  • Full membership of Marist St Pats Rugby Club

  • Entered to the monthly draw for $500
  • Clubroom hire at a 30% discount

All Marist St Pats '500 Club' funds go towards supporting Marist St Pats rugby development at all levels.

How to join the Marist St Pats 500 Club

If you are interested please email with your contact details and set up an recurring payment of $20 each month or deposit $240 for the full year into the Club's bank account of ANZ : 01-0505-0298113-52.

Membership to the 'Marist St Pats 500 Club' is open now, with the monthly $500 cash draw being drawn in the first week of each month.

The winner will be announced at the Clubrooms and our usual web channels within 14 days of the monthly draw.

For more information, please contact Mike Hansen on 021 280 8186 or email

Club Membership 2022

Become a financial member of Marist St Pats. Our clubrooms license requires all patrons to be registered players or members of Marist St Pats, or signed in as a guest of a member.

Subscription rates for 2022 are:

Standard $40
Couple $50
Out of towner/student/senior citizen $25


Platinum $250+

Gold $100

Silver $50

Payment options

You can pay your sub and make a donation by:

  • Internet banking: The club's bank account no. is ANZ 01 - 0505 - 0298113 - 00. Please include your name with the payment. If you've changed your postal address in the past year, please email it to so we can send out your membership card.
  • Cheque: Post a cheque to Marist St Pats, PO Box 3472, Wellington 6140. Please include your name and address so we can post out your membership card.

Become a financial member of Marist St Pats

Financially, Marist St Pats relies on sponsorship and members subscriptions in order to provide our community with the facilities to train, play and congregate as a club.

If you are in a position to support Marist St Pats as a financial member or with a donation, this will help ensure we can provide the same facilities and support to our community in years to come.

In 2022 we have two membership options:

Marist St Pats 500 Club Membership 2022

Marist St Pats is inviting members to join the 'Marist St Pats 500 Club' in 2022. After launching in 2021, this membership option gives another option for supporters to contribute to the running of our club with some added benefits, including entry to the monthly $500 cash draw.

Marist St Pats 500 Club benefits

For $20 per month (or a one off payment of $240) '500 Club' members will enjoy these benefits:

All Marist St Pats '500 Club' funds go towards supporting Marist St Pats rugby development at all levels.

How to join the Marist St Pats 500 Club

If you are interested please email with your contact details and set up an recurring payment of $20 each month or deposit $240 for the full year into the Club's bank account of ANZ : 01-0505-0298113-52.

Membership to the 'Marist St Pats 500 Club' is open now, with the monthly $500 cash draw being drawn in the first week of each month.

The winner will be announced at the Clubrooms and our usual web channels within 14 days of the monthly draw.

For more information, please contact Mike Hansen on 021 280 8186 or email

Club Membership 2022

Become a financial member of Marist St Pats. Our clubrooms license requires all patrons to be registered players or members of Marist St Pats, or signed in as a guest of a member.

Subscription rates for 2022 are:

Standard $40
Couple $50
Out of towner/student/senior citizen $25


Platinum $250+

Gold $100

Silver $50

Payment options

You can pay your sub and make a donation by:

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