Matt Buck and Tessa Murphy 'Volunteers of the Month'

Congratulations to Matt Buck and Tessa Murphy, MSP's volunteers of the month for July. Both have cheerfully put in a huge amount of work to keep the Red Machine ticking over during 2012.

The organisational abilities of premier team manager Matt have been evident right from the start of the season. He ran a fund-raising raffle to send the premiers away to the Spillane tournament in New Plymouth in March, where the organisation of MSP's teams was described as the best it's ever been.

Matt set up a highly successful Poker Night in June to raise funds for the prems, and followed that up with MSP's first ever Quiz Night in July. For that he enlisted Newstalk ZB's Jason Pine, and wheedled donations from hotels around town for the evening's spot prizes. Matt is often heard on Newstalk ZB himself as a sideline comments man.

When he's not on the radio, organising events or displaying his extraordinary ability to part people and their money, Matt is managing the prems, ensuring they are paid up and kept out of the judiciary and out of the newspapers.

Tessa Murphy, a year 13 pupil at St Catherines, helps out around the club in a host of different ways. One of three children of club captain Neil Murphy, Tessa's a leading light in running the Little Dribblers rugby for three- to five-year-olds held in the gym on Saturday mornings.

Saturday is one of her busiest days. During prem games at Evans Bay in the afternoon, she's working on the barbecue under the St Pat's College tent as part of a fundraising effort for her St Catherine's hockey team. In the evening, Tessa helps out in the Red Shop at the clubrooms selling MSP gear.

During the week, she can be found doing after school care at St Patrick's primary school in Kilbirnie. Last October, Tessa spent 10 days on the sailing ship 'Spirit of New Zealand', the training vessel for young New Zealanders.

Many thanks to Matt and Tessa, and to other volunteers who put so much time and effort into the club.

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