Introducing Sam Connor

Every year players from around the world come to Marist St Pats to build their skills and get an authentic Kiwi rugby experience. Sam Connor has recently arrived from the United Kingdom and has been involved in the offseason training programme. We caught up with Sam to learn more about him and his initial experiences at Marist St Pats.

Tell us about home and your rugby background? 

I’m from Northampton in the UK - a town based in the East Midlands. I was part of the Northampton Saints Academy before moving up north to Leeds where I played for Leeds Beckett University in BUCS Super Rugby. After a few years away from home I moved back to Northampton last summer and rejoined my boyhood club Old Northamptonians who play in National 3. 

What brought you to Wellington? 

I visited New Zealand in 2017 on a school rugby tour but we didn’t end up going to Wellington so ever since then I’ve wanted to come here. 

What have you enjoyed the most about NZ so far? 

The coffee! 

How have you found Marist St Pats?

It’s been great, everyone at the club is really welcoming. It feels like I’ve joined at a good time as there is a real buzz around the place. I’m looking forward to the season ahead!

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