By popular demand, we have a range of merchandise available with the Marist St Pats Hieke design. This is a strictly limited run of merchandise so you need to get your order and payment in by Friday 6 May.
Details of merchandise and sizes are below. To place your pre-order please email Norm Broughton with the following information:
Norm will provide you with bank account payment details. Orders and payment must be received by 5pm on 6 May.
Orders will be available to pick up from the clubrooms or gym - date to be confirmed. Unfortunately we are unable to provide a postage/delivery option.
By popular demand, we have a range of merchandise available with the Marist St Pats Hieke design. This is a strictly limited run of merchandise so you need to get your order and payment in by Friday 6 May.
Details of merchandise and sizes are below. To place your pre-order please email Norm Broughton with the following information:
Norm will provide you with bank account payment details. Orders and payment must be received by 5pm on 6 May.
Orders will be available to pick up from the clubrooms or gym - date to be confirmed. Unfortunately we are unable to provide a postage/delivery option.